Austria Travel Stories

Featured Austria Story | Mostly Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
It sometimes seems as if all of Salzburg is a shrine to its most famous son, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, but the key attraction for classical music lovers is the modest house-museum called Mozarts Geburtshaus (Mozart's Birthplace), where he lived until age 17. It displays with almost religious reverence the tiny violin he played as a toddler, a lock of his hair, and several of his jacket buttons. It was in this humble abode that Mozart's father, Leopold, first identified his son's genius. By the age of two, little Wolfgang had not only learned to play many instruments, he had identified a pig's squeal as the note G! He gave his first formal recital—and composed his first symphony—at the age of five, and for years the proud Leopold toured his child prodigy around the courts of Europe, giving blindfold harpsichord concerts and other "trick" performances.
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